Have you ever had a strong opinion that you wanted to express, but felt like you rambled or your listener got lost? It's a common experience for people to go on tangents, get too technical, or lack specificity. Your ideas may sound incoherent, leaving you feeling stressed and awkward. The value of your ideas and thoughts may not be fully recognized if you are not familiar with voicing them.
Whether you're debating with your friend or colleague, people often find themselves in situations with time pressure to communicate their plans or ideas. Without the skill to articulate your ideas, it is easy to find your listener struggling to understand your point.
When healthcare professionals have a diagnosis or treatment plan, it is vital to articulate ideas coherently to help prevent injuries and increase trust between the patient and caregiver. For those in marketing, advertising or sales, creating campaigns and communicating with consumers in a compelling but concise manner is a key to success. Idea articulation is critical in different occupations, academics, and personal relationships.
Maybe you do some of the following:
● Being too vague
● Not realizing you're making assumptions
● Unintentionally conveying negative connotations
● Not organizing your thoughts
By enhancing your idea articulation, your conversation partners will find it easy to pay attention to what you're saying.
Be heard; change your communication habits with your speech therapist by booking a free consultation today.